We all know what we should do. We should eat well and stay active. But then there’s ice cream, alcohol, and the lure of the couch. However, what if watching TV could actually benefit your health—if your favorite show could inspire and encourage healthier habits? In 2012, Erin Silver, an 18-year-old character on the reboot of the 90s’ show Beverly Hills, 90210, faced the decision to test for BRCA gene mutations. Her mother had died from breast cancer, putting Erin at a higher risk if she had the mutation. To ensure accuracy, the show’s creators collaborated with Hollywood, Health & Society, an organization that provides expert health information to the entertainment industry. By presenting correct health information, 90210 was able to weave a compelling narrative that engaged viewers with their own health.
Following the episode, a study revealed that 12% of female viewers reported scheduling a doctor’s appointment to discuss breast cancer risk, 13% discussed the BRCA gene with another woman, and 17% sought more information about breast cancer online. Many non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers, can be prevented by changing behaviors such as smoking, diet, and exercise. However, the increasing prevalence of these diseases indicates that current health communication methods are insufficient. Television not only provides health information but also motivates individuals to take healthy actions.
Entertainment that addresses health issues can sometimes spread misinformation, which can be harmful. Mental illness is frequently misrepresented in films and on TV, contributing to stigma that negatively affects those living with mental health conditions. A notable example occurred after the release of “13 Reasons Why,” a Netflix series about the aftermath of a suicide. In the month after its 2017 premiere, the suicide rate among Americans aged 10 to 17 increased by 28.9% and remained elevated for two more months. The series was criticized for failing to adhere to media guidelines against stories that simplify suicidal behavior or show suicide as a means to achieve a goal. Had the series followed best practice guidelines, the outcomes might have been less tragic. However, entertainment can also have a positive impact on health.
In 2001, Hollywood, Health & Society collaborated with “The Bold and the Beautiful” on a storyline in which Antonio Dominguez learns he is HIV positive. An HIV/AIDS hotline was featured at the episode’s end, leading to a significant increase in calls. In 2006, they worked with “Numbers” on an episode in which Charlie Eppes decides to become an organ donor. After airing, audiences were more inclined to register as donors and encourage others. In decision-making, people naturally give more weight to narrative evidence than statistical data, especially in emotionally charged situations like health issues. By incorporating health narratives into popular stories, we can reach audiences where they are. However, the spread of disputed health information has heightened public skepticism. It is crucial to present accurate information responsibly and in line with best practices to build audience trust.
While Hollywood, Health & Society does vital work providing information to the entertainment industry, viewers cannot always tell if this content is reliable, and there is no system ensuring stories are told effectively. If we had a widely accepted methodology for developing entertainment in collaboration with industry, health and science experts, and consumers to promote health, we could make a significant impact. Scripted TV shows and movies could become a major tool in health promotion, but collaboration among artists, health experts, and audiences is necessary.
There currently is no pathway for health experts, organizations, and people with lived experience to create stories that promote health. My research team is working to identify characteristics of entertainment that can effectively influence health behaviors, such as featuring relatable characters who practice healthy habits. We are forming a consortium of policymakers, health experts, entertainment industry professionals, and audiences to guide the creation of entertainment content aimed at promoting health. TV episodes and films produced under this method will be certified as scientifically accurate, ensuring viewers that the information is trustworthy, and employing the best knowledge to help people manage their health. These programs will influence attitudes and behaviors to enhance health, thus improving lives through television.